Nowadays, a foreign language is a common practice based on modern and effective technologies of teaching a foreign language.

About the studio
The urgency of early learning of a foreign language is determined by the needs of society, in connection with which there is a desire of parents of children of pre-school age to learn foreign languages as early as possible. Nowadays, a foreign language is a universal practice, based on modern and effective technologies of teaching a foreign language, health-saving technologies, taking into account the personality-oriented approach, the age characteristics of children of preschool age.
The positive role of early learning of foreign languages is as follows:
- The formation and development of foreign phonetic skills (while the speech apparatus is plastic and the mechanisms for mastering native speech still exist, these skills are easily learned, therefore it is important not to lose time);
- Development of listening skills (listening comprehension);
- The development of dialogical and coherent monologue speech of the child (ie, the formation of the child's understanding of a foreign language as a means of communication);
- Formation and enlarging of vocabulary;
- It contributes to the self-identification of the child’s personality to a great extent;
- It creates prerequisites for the formation of interest in other, no less valuable cultures and languages;
- Teaching preschool children a foreign language contributes to the development of mental processes necessary for the formation of language abilities and communication skills of children: arbitrary behavior, stability of attention, memory, thinking.