Vocals and piano
The earlier the child became acquainted with the music, the better. Early manifestation of musical abilities is observed, as a rule, in children who receive quite rich musical impressions.

About the studio
The earlier the child became acquainted with the music, the better. Early manifestation of musical abilities is observed, as a rule, in children who receive quite rich musical impressions.
Individual lesson with a child is the basis of self-development of the individual. Studies have shown that children who learn to play the piano have a more positive outlook on things, on life, than their «non-musical» peers. The reason was the skills needed to play this instrument.
Everyone knows that playing the piano or the piano requires hand-eye coordination, which improves overall coordination in a person. However, research has also shown that playing the piano increases the overall coefficient of agility (agility, agility). Since during the game the hands must move independently of each other. Children who are trained have greater dexterity than others.
If a child has an interest in music, a desire to engage, the ability will develop, and he will be able to achieve good results.
Nowadays it is especially important to give children a musical education so that they can independently navigate in the variety of music, be able to recognize and appreciate genuine art.
Not every child will become a musician. Teaching a musician should not be the sole task of a teacher. The most important task is to teach the child to perceive music, broaden their horizons, enrich musical performances, develop musical abilities.
During piano lessons, the child becomes acquainted with the musical language, where, as in the literary language, there are sentences, phrases and motifs. Learn to use sounds to pronounce an expressive musical phrase that conveys different moods. Describing a piece of music in the first stage with words, the child expands his vocabulary, emotionally reacting to the sounding music. It is noticed — children play and sing, speak and write better.
Music reveals children all their lives. Interesting life in addition to school, the opportunity to express themselves in creativity, to stand out among their peers, to feel like an artist. Music helps to develop a kind of «immunity» in order not to get lost, not to become obsolete in the modern world.