Psychologist's Advice
We have collected topical and useful advices of the psychologist about upbringing of the child and approach to its training

Socialize a child from a small age
Personal formation begins at an early age, for this reason, the child must be socialized from early childhood. There are often cases where parents bring their child into kindergarten at a very late age, which can not but affect the psychological condition of the child. All this leads to stressful situations, because in the shortest possible time intellectually and socially prepare for the school is very, very difficult. For this reason, a comfortable age to give the child to kindergarten is three years old.
Avoid comparisons with other children
It is important that the child is not criticized at the preschool age and psychological pressure from the parents. The child should understand that he is loved as he is, and do not evaluate it only by achievements. Comparisons with other children will not lead to anything good, only add problems at the level of psychology to your child.
Be as patient as possible
«Patience and patience only» — here it is, the main motto of parents in the upbringing of their young children. Try to answer all the questions of the child as honestly and patiently as possible. In preschool age, children are very curious, they are interested in every detail. The Child is confronted with new laws every day, which we, adults, have long been clear and understandable. It is Important not to forget that we did not know it ourselves.
Familiarize the specialists in kindergarten with the peculiarities of your child
For a systematic and painless period of adaptation in a child's kindergarten, for starters, parents should carefully familiarize themselves with the institution and all employees who will later contact with the child. It is Important to familiarize specialists with the peculiarities of development and habits of their baby, to inform about the characteristics, its inclinations and interests. In the future, this will help to create a condition in which the child can easily and quickly adapt to the new environment.
Don’t change your child’s lifestyle
Concerted action by parents and caregivers is Needed. In the first time, it is not necessary to radically change the habitual child's way of life. Perhaps, in the early days of the child should be only for a walk, where the conditions resemble a home yard, where kids only have fun yes play. In Such conditions it will be easier to get acquainted with other children and the tutor.
Avoid negative Emotions in kindergarten
It would be Advisable to shift the time to kindergarten, so that children do not witness the negative emotions and tears of other children when parting with their parents. It will leave its mark on their moods. It is Advised to bring the newcomers a little later not only for the morning, but also for the evening walk, when you can pay attention to the child when the children are overwhelmed with only positive emotions. In the future, it will help children in the mornings calmer to endure parting, because after seen, they will know that the positive moments outweigh the negative.
Increase the time of your kid’s stay in the kindergarten gradually
In The first days, in no case should not leave the child for more than 2−3 hours. Depending on his reaction to the new environment, it is possible to gradually increase the time spent in kindergarten. Usually, in the first days children get tired both psychologically and physically, for this reason it is necessary to arrange «unloading» days-once or twice a week to stay with the child at home.
Make a company in the early days
Parents can spend some time in the group together with the child: presence in the group of a loved one, albeit temporary, gives the child confidence and the ability to begin to orient faster in a new environment. Support and warmth from the fact that a close person is near certainly helps in further adaptation.
Ensure Psychological Comfort
In getting accustomed to the new place an important role plays the opportunity to bring with them toys, known and familiar items. All this creates a familiar background for the child, which provides psychological comfort, which helps to distract from parting with his relatives. Try to persuade your child to leave his favorite toy in the kindergarten, in order to meet it tomorrow morning. With this simple way, it will be easier to pass the morning parting and further adaptation of your child.
Assure your child that you will return for him
When parting, never forget to assure your child that you will return for him. Do Not forget to tell him how much you love him and cherish them. Such words help to feel even more confidence of your child.
Create a relaxed family atmosphere
Try to create a calm, conflict-free atmosphere in the family. It is necessary to spare already weakened nervous system of the child. Do not react too harshly to the antics of your baby and do not punish for extra whims. Try to pay maximum care and love. Remember, no one will ever replace the love that parents can give him.
Always explain why you praise your child
When you praise a child, it is necessary to explain why you are doing it. The Child will better remember what to do to please, and will strive to do it as often as possible. It is Worth noting his diligence, encourage for help.
Follow the rules that the child is installing
A Common mistake that parents often make relates to the implementation of the rules they establish. An example of such situation is simple, if parents constantly remind the child that at a table it is impossible to talk, and as in anything did not happen converse, the child will understand, that rules can be easily broken. Therefore, psychologists advise: if you set certain rules, observe them yourself, because the example that you give your behavior is a guideline for the child.
Discuss all sorts of topics
Be Interested in the life of a child. Talk to him on all sorts of topics, not just those that are interesting to you. Often spend time together, doing mutual pleasant things. Together pastime contributes to the emergence of strong friendly communication between parents and child.
Do not abuse the nothations
It is Not necessary to abuse notaations. Most Often, they are boring and uninteresting to the child. Instead, it's better to show a good example. Children take for example behavior, manners of parents. For this reason, for the proper upbringing of your child, it is advised to show a living example, not to read in an extra time notation.
Make your classes as interesting as possible
If you want to teach a child something, consider the fact that what we are interested in is remembered by itself, without any effort. You will not need to get the knowledge and skills, if you make your lessons as interesting and entertaining for the child. Similarly, you can combine both the game and the lessons.
Support the child as much as possible
Be sure to keep your child at the moment when he needs your support. Both the baby and the teenager must be sure that they will not be alone, that in any difficult situation they have to turn to. The Child should feel as protected as possible, understand that he is protected by his parents.
Love your child as he is
Love and accept the child as it is, with all the disadvantages: thin, fat, inattentive, scattered, etc. Some parents are beginning to try to build an ideal from their child, and if it fails, feel great disappointment, Which of course the child feels. Disapproval, feelings that do not believe in him, that he did not live up to expectations-from all this strongly suffers the self-esteem of the child, which leads to great problems.
Educate yourself in the field of child psychology
Read useful material, literature for parents, written by psychologists. Then you will not only correct and improve your methods of upbringing, but also you'll know for sure with what in the future you may come across.
Contact professionals in time
In difficult situations, when your knowledge is not enough to solve the problem, it is necessary to ask for help to professionals, let him be a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychoneurologist, etc. It Often happens that parents postpone a trip to the doctor Because of his fears and fears, making a child this only worse and worse. No disease will evaporate by itself, but it can be very easy to get worse. In any case, the enemy needs to know in person, and the sooner the child gets the help of a qualified specialist, the better.