About Us
About Us
Dear parents, you no longer need to take children to extra classes. The program of the Academy took into account all your wishes and offers several concepts in the service for children.
Our concepts

The Academy is the only institution in Kazakhstan that can offer parents the most complete and original package of preparation for the life of children of all ages.
The upbringing and educational process is not just an original initiative. The program corresponds to state standards. And at the same time, many copyright programs and technologies are interspersed into the learning process, there is a variable part.

Transition from tradition to a new quality of the pedagogical process that meets the requirements of the Updated content of pre-school education, aimed at the education, upbringing and development of children of the new generation.
Creation of an adaptive model of preschool educational institutions that promotes the development of a creative, holistic personality through the organization of close cooperation with the surrounding society and parents.
Our mission
Realization of the right of every child to a high-quality and affordable education, providing equal starting conditions for the full physical and mental development of children, as the basis of their successful transition to the next level of education.