ІІ junior group «Карлыгаш»
Age: 3-4 Years
Language: Russian
About the group
The main task in raising children 3–4 years old is to ensure their emotional and positive well-being, to encourage and support manifestations of children's independence, to accumulate sensory experience in object-cognitive activity. Children of younger preschool age are, first of all, “figures”, and not observers. Therefore, the child’s stay in kindergarten is organized in such a way that he will be able to participate in various activities.
The emotionally rich and diverse activities of younger preschoolers in kindergarten is the basis for solving all educational tasks. Organized learning activities are implemented through the integration of educational areas: Health, Cognition, Communication, Creativity, and Socium. The total volume of OLA in Group II is 12 hours per week (including the variable component - 1 hour), lasting 10-15 minutes. There are 2 teachers, 2 assistants / teachers.